
Sunday, 18 March 2012

Effects of stress

A rise or drop in the ambient temperature, hunger or thirst, loss of blood or physical exertion, infection or trauma all causes certain changes in the organism that are combined in the concept –“state of stress”.

A series of stereotypical adaptational reactions aimed at the protection originates in the latter in response to any change in the conditions which demands an increase in the efficiency of the organism. A rise or drop in the ambient temperature, hunger or thirst, loss of blood or physical exertion, infection or trauma all causes certain changes in the organism that are combined in the concept –“state of stress”
It seems that the organism in this case is not interested in the specific features of each stress factor but reacts to the damaging factor as a whole. The stress reaction is especially advantageous for an organism because it is stereotypical, i.e. the organism can immediately start to protect itself using one stereotypical reaction in response to a variety of extraordinary stimuli or stress factors. The adaptation reaction is the most vigilant guard of the organism because it always switches on automatically without the involvement of the consciousness and only under the influences of unconditioned reflexes, pain or a change in the composition of the internal environment ( for instance , in case of hemorrhage, a decrease in the blood sugar concentration due to starvation etc.).
If we discuss the classical example of a fight between a cat and a dog from the physiological point of view the dog cad cat even at distance, send signals to the central nervous system informing that the enemy is near. There will possibility be a fight and it is necessary to prepare for it. The situation is evaluated by the cerebral cortex, but it has an emotional character. All these activity requires a supply of energy and Adrenaline both sources of energy- Fatty acids from the fat depot and glucose from the liver – thereby increasing the nutritional supply of the muscular tissue and brain. These responses are taken together e.g. dilation of the skin vessels, hair standing on end, that reduces heat transfer, increases fatty acids and glucose level in the blood, and light trembling contribute to rise in body temperature, thereby creating  temperature for chemical reaction. Finally adrenaline sharply increases the ability of the heart to assimilate oxygen Stress which eliminates everything extra, also suppresses the appetite. The hypothalamic appetite is also inhibited during emotional excitement just like the activity of the digestive system.
    Finally the fight required a great amount of energy comes to an end. The phase of recovery comes to an end. The hypothalamus enhances heat transfer via the thermoregulatory centre. The skin vessels dilate. Perspiration increases, and dog which have no sweat glands their nearly fall out to increase evaporation.
For human being all the changes that takes place during the stress, for instance, the content of cholesterol in the blood, which is one of the main factors in the development of arthrosclerosis, increases in students when they are taking part in the examination. But life makes it necessary to pass the examination not only within the walls of Alma matter but also outside it.


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