
Sunday, 1 February 2015

10 percent of brain myth- 4 facts to prove it wrong

Recently Hollywood movies like Limitless and Lucy have attracted our attention to the 10 percent brain myth. What exactly is 10 percent brain myth?  As it is a myth, it means it is rumored that a normal human being uses only 10 percent of his brain. That is, a human being has the potential to expand his brain functionality to 9 times more than what he has normally. In these movies, the protagonists...

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Noise Pollution

An unwanted or unpleasant sound is known as noise. We can sense sound with the help of ears. Sound can be described in terms of its loudness and its pitch (or frequency).Loudness is measured in decibels (dB) and itch is measured in cycles (waves per second). Cycles per second is known as Hertz (Hz). The range of frequency to which human ear is sensitive is 20-20,000Hz. Today, noise pollution...

Potato- Nutrition Facts

The scientific name of our most popular and widely used vegetable is Solanum Tuberosum. Potatoes Potato is rich in Vitamin C and B6. It also contains high amount of minerals like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and copper. Potato is also rich in carbohydrates, fibers and proteins. Its protein contains  nine different amino acids. Potato fiber has soluble parts which results...

Benefits of Honey

“Medicinal vegetation and juices maketh honey. It is like nectar. Honey is like the vital force. Honey is like the cereals. Even Gods taketh honey with great relish.” -  Indian Hindu Scriptures Honey In the Bible, honey is considered as a symbol of soft sweetness. Honey is mentioned in Bible for more than sixty times. In the Holy Quran, Sural El Nihal is about honey. In the scripture...

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

What is Pollution?

Definition of Pollution The introduction of contaminants into the environment is called Pollution. It results in negative effects in the environment which makes lives of human beings and other living organisms a bit difficult. In earlier days, pollution in the environment was much lesser than what it is today. Day by day, pollution is increasing due to increased human activities. Pollution can...

Monday, 19 March 2012

Seven Wonders of The Ancient World

The seven wonders of the ancient world are different from the wonders of the medieval and modern world. Most of them have been destroyed by some natural calamity. 1. Great Pyramid of Giza Situated in Egypt, Pyramids of Giza were built around 2560 BC. It is the tomb of Pharoah Khufu. Its height is about 480 ft (i.e. 146 m). It is made up of mostly limestone.2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon Hanging...

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Benefits of Fasting

We do fasting in our life for various purposes. But we don't know exactly the use and different kinds of fasting. In this article you would come to know about that. In the Anushasan Chapter of the famous epic Mahabharata, it is written: “Whosoever fasts is blessed in every way!He draws the benefit of all the great medicines. All his diseases are cured and he becomes strong and virile”.Fasting...

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